I remember, it was a typical hot Stockton summer day and we were hanging out at our good friend’s house (Bob and Kathy). I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6, or 7 years old (roughly the same age that my son is now). All of the adults were in the dining room area playing Uno and listening to what I remember being Kool & the Gang. I don’t remember who’s point and shoot camera it was, but I do remember being asked if I wanted to take a picture. Now i’m sure at some point before that I must have taken a pic or two here and there, but none that I can actually remember. More of a “can I push the button” kind of thing. This time was different. I remember vividly wanting to take a “good picture”. I walked around the house and looked through the viewfinder pointing the camera at random things. Nothing caught my eye. Then boom! It hit me! My He-Man toys! I remember being extremely excited to set them all up. I first lined them up on the floor…Nah. Put them in the window…too bright. Lined up in the hall…too dark. Wait, the leather chair…perfect. I set them up in positions until I felt they were “just right”. I lifted the camera, aimed, and…SNAP! It was the first time I can honestly recall actually composing a photograph. I got the print back a few days later and had the disticnt feeling that I made something. That feeling never left me. All these years later I get to feel that feeling every single day, multiple times a day and for that I am lucky lucky boy. That print still sits faded in my room. Thought I would share it with you…